Futures Matter: A Conversation with Maisha T. Winn

When: February 23rd, 2022, 4:30 – 6 p.m. EST

Guest: Maisha T. Winn

Host: Jonathan Swartz



In her 2018 book Justice on Both Sides: Transforming Education through Restorative Justice, Dr. Maisha T. Winn reminds us that restorative justice and transformative justice is about being in right relationships with individuals and communities; in this way, justice work is "mindset" work. Join this webinar conversation with Dr. Winn, as we engage in depth around her five pedagogical stances that move us toward justice: Histories Matter, Race Matters, Justice Matters, Language Matters and Futures Matter."

Guest Bio

Maisha Winn

Maisha T. Winn is the Chancellor’s Leadership Professor and the Co-Founder and Co-director (with Torry Winn) of the Transformative Justice in Education (TJE) Center in the School of Education at the University of California, Davis.  Professor Winn’s program of research examines the ways in which teachers and/or adult allies for youth in schools and in out-of-school contexts practice “justice” in the teaching of literacy.  Professor Winn was named an American Educational Research Association Fellow (Spring 2016) In 2014 she received the William T. Grant Foundation Distinguished Fellowship and was named the American Educational Research Association Early Career Award recipient in 2012.  Professor Winn is the author of several books including Writing in Rhythm: Spoken word poetry in urban schools (published under maiden name “Fisher”); Black literate lives: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (published under maiden name “Fisher”); Girl Time: Literacy, Justice, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline; and co-editor of Humanizing Research: Decolonizing Qualitative Research (with Django Paris).  She has two new books, Justice on Both Sides: Transforming Education through Restorative Justice (Harvard Education Press) and Restorative Justice in the English Language Arts Classroom (with Hannah Graham and Rita Alfred on National Council of Teachers of English Principles in Practice Series). She is also the author of numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals including Review of Research in EducationAnthropology and Education QuarterlyInternational Journal of Qualitative Studies in EducationRace, Ethnicity and EducationResearch in the Teaching of EnglishRace and Social Problems; and Harvard Educational Review.