Restorative Justice Listening Project
Earlier this year the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice organized a series of listening sessions across the United States and British Columbia with the support of the Porticus Foundation and Open Philanthropy. The intention of the project was to get a feel for “the state of the state” of restorative justice —to take the pulse of where we are now as a movement, create a collective roadmap for the future, and offer recommendations to advocates and donors on how to resource and build the restorative justice movement.
We are pleased to share the final report and a one page summary of what we heard. The report was co-authored by the lead facilitator, Sonya Shah with the Ahimsa Collective, Sarah King with the Victim Assistance and Restorative justice Unit at the Minnesota Department of Corrections, and Carl Stauffer with the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice.
In Justice Today has published an article about the Restorative Justice movement building report!