Listening to the Movement: Essays on New Growth and New Challenges in Restorative Justice

New writings stemming from the Zehr Institute's 3-year project to advance restorative justice movement-building.
Co-Editors: Ted Lewis and Carl Stauffer
Order your copy now at 20% off from the Wipf & Stock Publishers book webpage for Listening to the Movement, and 40% off as directed on this promotional flyer. Please pass on this flyer to others to promote the book. (Contributors can purchase the book at 50% off retail price.) Also... or call 541-344-1528.
Biographies of Contributors
Introduction. Restorative Justice: Taking the Pulse of a Movement
We're Just Doing Our Job: A Provocation for Restorative Justice Professionals
1. Building a Bigger We: A Conversation about Restorative Justice Movement Building
2. Bringing a Racial Justice Consciousness to the Restorative Justice Movement: A Call to White Practitioners
3. Shared Legacies: Narratives of Race and Reconciliation by Descendants of Enslavers and the Enslaved
4. Pedagogy of Circles: Teaching Restorative Justice to Social Work Students
5. Bigger than an RJ Circle: Youth Organizing for Restorative Justice in Education
6. Critical Race Theory and Restorative Justice Education
7. Radical Relationalism: Restorative Justice With the Earth
8. Do We Love the Shooters? 9 Principles of Firearm Harm Reduction
9.Contribution of Peace Committees to Reduction of Election-related Violence in Burundi
10. Are We Serving Victims Well? Considerations on Victim Engagement in Current RJ Movement Trends
Epilogue. Restorative Justice – A Movement in the Making?
Order your copy now at 20% off from the Wipf & Stock Publishers book webpage for Listening to the Movement, and 40% off as directed on this promotional flyer. Please pass on the flyer to others to promote the book. (Contributors can purchase the book at 50% off retail price.) Also... or call 541-344-1528.
“A new pattern has emerged within the restorative justice community over the last years; many now view restorative justice as both an intervention to transform individuals and a movement to transform society. This emerging pattern of seeing ourselves as both social service providers and social movement participants was not imposed by a top down directive. Self-organizing, it arose ground-up from internal interactions and transforming exchanges among diverse practitioners …. Listening to the Movement is the first book dedicated to exploring the idea of restorative justice as a social justice movement.” — from the Foreword by Fania E. Davis
Restorative justice is spreading like wildfire across the globe. How can we explain this burst of energy? This anthology makes the bold claim that restorative justice is a vibrant social justice movement. It is more than a great idea gone viral, more than the extension of the legal system, and more than enacting new legislation. Beginning in 2015, the contributors of this volume took part in a series of dialogues sponsored by the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, exploring the contours of the restorative justice movement. Each one writes from the burgeoning edges of their own context, inviting readers to consider the fidelity and integrity of the movement's growth. As a cadre, the authors highlight new locations of restorative justice application: race, pedagogy, ecology, youth organizing, community violence reduction, and more. These diverse voices put forward a fast-paced, hard-hitting glimpse into the pulse of restorative justice today and what it may look like tomorrow.
“This anthology reminds us that as restorative justice practitioners we are at once individual/community healers and social justice movement builders. Ours is a deep calling to decolonize typical systems of oppression and domination to restor-ganize in an arc towards justice. Much gratitude is expressed to the authors of this critically important work. The wisdom in their words brings us closer to the authentic indigenous roots of restorative justice.” — Teiahsha Bankhead, RJOY Oakland
“After decades of innovation, enthusiasm, and exploration, restorative justice has finally entered its maturity years often sitting side-by-side legislated and structured norms of justice. Only with age comes realization. This anthology dares to raise the mirror of responsibility and realization within the restorative justice movement in the hope that certain actions and reflections can take place for the benefit of next generations. A refreshing reading indeed.” — Theo Gavrielides, Founder and Director, Restorative Justice for All International Institute
“This collection of essays is a timely and much needed look at the restorative justice field through the lens of social movements and social transformation. The accessible, and at times personal, essays raise key questions and lessons for future restorative justice practice in a variety of settings, while the introduction and epilogue offer a rich and comprehensive contextualization of the essayists’ critical points within the bigger picture of restorative justice theory and practice. This anthology offers a vision for the future of restorative justice and its pivotal role in social change.” — Barb Toews, University of Washington Tacoma
Further Context for the Genesis of this Book:
The context for this anthology stems out of a three-year, grant-funded project conducted by the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice. The first two years included a facilitated consultation of select restorative justice leaders who grappled with future scenarios of where the field may be headed (2015), as well as a larger conference (Restorative Justice in Motion: Building a Movement) that allowed diverse groups to articulate both new successes and new challenges (2016). Out of that event (in 2017), contributors for this anthology were invited to write about those new applications and about current barriers and challenges to movement integrity. The ultimate aim for this third year project was to get the message out to a larger audience connected to the restorative justice movement.