The Zehr Institute's Restorative Justice Diversion Huddle is a drop-in community of practice that convenes monthly for one hour with the intent of bringing together restorative practitioners doing diversion work (particularly pre-arrest, pre-charge, and/or pre-plea diversion) across the United States. Both legal partners and community based organizations are welcome; huddle participants suggest topic ideas and take turns facilitating. Most meetings are open discussion or circle share, though sometimes someone presents on a topic. Former topics discussed include intake processes, pay for facilitators, training procedures for facilitators, what information from processes are shared with the court, race equity, volunteer recruitment and engagement, among others.
The Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice envisions a world that cultivates just and healing approaches to interpersonal, historical, and societal harm.
Grown by communities directly impacted by violence and oppression and grounded in movements for social justice, these approaches lead to cultural and political transformation and healthy ways of being with one another.
The Zehr Institute shapes the development of restorative justice as a global social justice movement.
As an innovative faith-based, movement-building think tank on restorative justice:
We promote research and scholarship.
We provide education and resources.
We connect people, and build networks.
Our unique approach reflects our location at a faith-informed university that values social justice.
Our values are informed by the legacy of Dr. Howard Zehr and the social movements that inspired his work.
For example, Black freedom movements had a significant influence on the early formation of Dr. Zehr as a white student who graduated from Morehouse College, a historically Black college, in 1966.
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